Friday 30 July 2010

She's back!

After a very very long break from the world of music blogging, I AM BACK!
I am sure all none of you are very excited.
The reason for my return however, was the discovery of what I will be sharing with you today, how long I will keep it up though is another story all together.


I randomly stumbled upon this complete and utter musical genius a week ago whilst perusing some some blogs to add the finishing touches to my electro based summer soundtrack. After downloading the 'Uv been robbed (Joking, but not)' EP, I must have racked up well over 150 listens. The highlight for me is definitely 'Bubblegunk' so get that if you don't fancy the whole lot.
Now, I don't want to ruin the suprise for you, but have a listen and see if you notice why the title of the EP is as it is.
Rather embarassingly, it took me 15 listens of the whole 5 track EP to figure it out, you may notice straight away, but I've given you a heads up and I'm clearly backward so that's my excuse.

The EP is available for download from HERE for free, or for however much you wish to pay.
Or check it out here first.

You will not be disappointed by this synth filled piece of pure ecstasy (yes, it really is that good!) so get your bloody download on now kids!

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