Sunday 27 January 2008

Lightspeed Champion - Falling off the Lavender Bridge

I'll be completely honest with you, i've embraced the whole 21st century thing and only ever buy my music off the internet these days, and it takes something very special to make me go out and buy the real hard evidence of purchase.
Falling off the Lavender Bridge is one of those special things.
I even resisted the temptation to listen to the album when it was up for streaming on the Myspaz.

Anyway, enough of the rambling, I bought this album and it did not disappoint in any way shape or form.
It. Is. Brilliant.
New single 'Tell Me What Its Worth' is a real treat, along with 'Everyone I know is listening to Crunk' and the ever pleasing 'Midnight Suprise'.
I dont think I can name one song on the album that is bad. Not one. It all works really nicely.

If you can, buy your copy from Rough Trade as it comes with a bonus CD of cover tracks, which isn't suprising as every Lightspeed Champion fan knows he loves his covers! The cover CD was a nice suprise for me as the Good Shoes 'Never meant to hurt you' cover was definately one of my favourites out of the whole album and bonus CD...and a lot better than the original in my opinion too!

So, if you're in need of a new lot of tunes to listen to, I highly recommend you purchase this album. It really is good, a faultless debut album that i'm sure will be splashed across 'Albums of the Year 2008' lists in magazines and blogs at the end of the year!!

Friday 18 January 2008

Once you pop, you just cant stop...

George Pringle

This rather lovely lady describes herself as a diseuse, a female entertainer who performs monologues, this she does, over music she has composed herself on Garageband.
The first time I heard Carte Postale I was immediately reminded of the late 90's band Black Box Recorder; most probably because of the spoken word lyrics and possibly haunting overall combination of those and the music.
It did take a while for me to truly appreciate the piece, but as soon as I did i fell in love with it and it definately is in my top five favourite tracks of 2007.
George Pringle is currently offering a free download every month here.

This months free song is "I'm Very Scared Buster, Yes At Last", which I highly recommend so get on over to RcrdLbl and download it!

Also, enjoy 'Carte Postale' because I really do think its brilliant, and the words are pretty much perfect.

George Pringle - Carte Postale.mp3

Monday 7 January 2008

2 posts in one day? Lucky buggers!

OK, you have probably seen this before or the Daft Hands video before, but I only stumbled across this today and WOW.

How. Cool. Is. That.

[Stick with it until its halfway through, thats when it gets good.]

Daft Bodies - Harder, Better, Stronger, Faster.

Thats him, right?

OK, so I have abandoned the blogging of late, bad of me I know, but UCAS takes up alot of time! Plus, i've been on a frenzied music hunt so I have looooads of music to grace your ears this January.
Which technically means you can let me off, right?

Regular Dave.

Thats the bloke from The Holloways I can hear you saying, and yes, you would be correct.
This rather attractive young man is of course Dave from the brilliant Holloways. I happened to stumble across his profile in one of my manic music quests and noticed that hes 'done a song'. Quite frankly, I think its marvellous. Lovely voice, lovely tune, lovely lyrics, he can't really go wrong.
Unfortunately, he won't be harassing the world with his solo efforts because "Regular Dave is afraid to sing these songs in front of people so you may never get the chance to see him live but you never know."
Despite this, you should give him a listen anyway, he is bloody good.

Shame really. Maybe they should think about making him the front man of The Holloways? Much easier on the eyes and much easier on the ears.
Anyway, make your own minds up and see what you think.

Regular Dave - Here we go again.mp3